My phone and computer are always low on battery when I can finally use them. I keep finding a little girl on some kind of media device in a room. Or I don't see them because no one has folded any clothes and there is a girl hiding underneath them with my phone. I want to be doing that too! My oldest has been doing zoom meetings and I finally said I had one too. I needed to get to this important meeting because people were waiting on me to make that important decision and needed to know my opinion.
( My girls laughed. I did too.)
( My girls laughed. I did too.)
Yeah, its called I needed my own media time. Man, it was fun. I had hot tea, watched the rain and played on the computer. I barely remembered how to use my computer! I did Pinterest, looked up that shirt I might want to buy, and oh what about that book that just came out? And yes, what does that celebrity look like 30 years later after they had that one hit wonder? And on and on it went down a rabbit hole.
But I keep coming back to a few videos I watched that day. Ones that bring a laugh or ones that point me to Jesus. And I need Jesus right now.
I love Switchfoot. And I hastaglovejonforeman. Man, I hate hashtags but when you add something funny to "hashtag" in conversation, its funny. Anyways, he is the main guy of Switchfoot for all you peeps out there living under a rock. And he is quality. He has played a song every night and posted on youtube. I like all of them but I certainly like these two.
And I love what he says at the beginning of this video. "We are held together by something bigger than an economical system or a political system. I hope this song finds you wherever you are and reminds you of the love of your Maker."
And this one. Who doesn't need a blessing sung over them? Based on Numbers 6:24-25. The Lord bless you and keep you. My husbands parents always spoke that over him growing up. And my father in law toasted it to my husband and me at our rehearsal dinner. One of those situations that seemed thoughtful at the time but now I realize how special that moment is to me and my marriage. Kari Jobe and her husband Cody Carnes sing this one.
Lastly, I have laughed and laughed and laughed so hard at this clip from Jimmy Fallon's home version of The Tonight Show. And then I texted it out to my two contacts. And made my husband watch it and he actually thought it was funny too. Ok, too much build up? Ugh. I hate when I do that. Just watch. I might have woken one of my girls up recently because I was laughing so loud at this again.
Girl walks into my bedroom at midnight with eyes half open. " Why are you so loud? Are you laughing? Are you still watching that annoying clip?"
Me still laughing. And still laughing. " Yes."
( yes, its supposed to start at 6:34 but only lasts for his bit called Go On, Git.)
And that's a wrap!
Side note- with these trying times, I can't figure out how to properly link a youtube video and/or how to use correct grammar. We are all just in survival mode and making the best out of things.
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