Good news! I finished a book last night! I stayed up way too late but I got something accomplished. That's a good feeling. Just walking to the mailbox these days feel like an accomplishment.
More books!
Growing up in Florida, I am embarrassed to say I knew little about Cuban history. I knew the big things but this book is a tutorial on Cuban history along with a family story and a bit of romance. There is a sequel which was a tad too romancey for me. I love the Cuban sandwich (ugh! I want one right now!) and had a best friend growing up who was half Cuban, but now I can say I am much better schooled in their history. Side note, I had friends in South Carolina where I went to college who never had heard of a Cuban sandwich. What is wrong with these people? There is an ongoing argument in my husbands family about what exactly went on a good Cuban sandwich. Don't care right now. Someone just cook for me and clean it up!
Also, this was a Reese Witherspoon book club choice and usually, hers are good books.
This book isn't going to change anyone's life just FYI. I liked the pop culture of the references. And it was a light book. I read it quickly and I have a small love affair with books about books.
This is the one I finished last night. Its about a bookshop and 3 women that work there. Its got a little depth but again, its not heavy and its a nice read for right now. It kept me interested enough to want to pick it up again and it really made me want to go to a shop. So that part was hard. I think that's why I keep getting so many boxes from Amazon and Target the last few days. My girls' Easter baskets are going to be amozing ( that's not a typo- we say that here) or I am going to be dragging out unopened boxes of Ibprofen and band aids the night before and putting in their baskets because I bought some weird stuff online. Katherine Reay has written several other books and those fall in the same vain of some depth but not overwhelming. I loved the cover, too.
I have seen this at a darling bookstore in Apalachicola ( shout out for all you Forgotten Coast lovers) and I finally bought it in Denver. I can't seem to shut up about the trip. It was fun and I wasn't in this house. We were out in the world! Forget the beauty of Colorado, we discover mini containers of Nutella at our hotel. Back to the book. This is a mystery but nothing gory or dark. There was one scene I could have done without but this is a pretty clean mystery. I currently am hoarding the second in the series from the library. And my Dad and I had a mini book club about it so that was fun.
Egad! I can't begin to say how much I adored this book. And then they made a show! I discovered the Durrell family through anther book called Howard's End is on the Landing. A British author writes abut what she is currently reading and half of the books I hadn't ever heard of. She wrote about reading My Family and Other Animals while being in Greece at the same time. Ahh. This book is hilarious. Its the first book I read where I did laugh out loud. The descriptions of the land and the animals and the sea is breathtaking.
This is a book that I think about still. The author is from north Florida somewhere which I liked. The After Party is a bit like the Help meets mental illness. I am not selling it well. I found it helpful because it gave me insight into peoples lives and why they do what they do. And we could all use more empathy. The time period is depicted well ( I guess, I wasn't alive then!) and this was another Dad and Daughter mini book club. I read this mostly in one afternoon which is rare for me. So it was good. Before the quaretentine, I bought the other novel by this author. One thing about this quarentine is that I am finally reading books I have on my shelves. So there's that. Hooray??
Now, let me preface this with, if I knew what was going to occur in this book, I wouldn't have read it. I do not like children dying in books. However, the writing was beautiful and has made me purchase other books by William Kent Krueger. My dad is currently reading the first in a mystery series this guy wrote and I look forward to reading it next. One might say that I am my family's librarian. It is not a term I take lightly. For Christmas a few years ago, I gave everyone books and included an index card as to why I bought the book that I did for them. Some were winners and I was so proud! A few weren't and I probablly need to let that go:)
So with that being said, here is my latest book installment. I am worried I will run out of books for y'all to read or read about. I find that sometimes I like just reading about the book, not reading the actual book. Like watching trailers for movies for an hour and half and not actually watching a movie.
Happy Reading folks!
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