
Thursday, March 6, 2014

knit 1, purl 2

 This was the first thing I ever knit. My grandmother, not the governors daughter but the school teacher, taught me when I visiting her a few years ago. I am so glad I asked her to show me. She passed a way a couple of years ago and in going through her belongings, I realized how many traits I got from her. 

She loved to create things with her hands and provide beauty in the everyday. She kept her own cut and paste recipe book and kept every art supply she used. 

I sat on the navy love seat and she rocked, both quiet, until I missed a stitch. Knit 1, Purl 2. I knit in the car passing over the Chesapeake, I knit on the airplane quickly and with sweaty palms to distract me from the nerves, and then I knit when I got back to my own home. I cherish that time we had together. 

And I look back, and what is this? It started as a scarf but as one can see,I was new to the idea of knitting. A scarf for a giant. But, he would be a warm giant:)


  1. I also learned a lot from my grandmother, how she celebrated every season and enjoyed every day like it was the first day! What a treasure to pass down and now you can teach your daughters and grand daughters!

  2. Thanks Suzanne. Yes, I cherish those last few times I saw my grandmother and the older I get, I see more and more of her in me and things she taught me.
