
Thursday, April 25, 2013

A rose for today

We have had a busy couple of weeks and while I would like to create everyday, some days, its not possible. Although, I do "create" supper everynight ( ideally ), some tend to be more in the artistic side and less on the edible side. 
Such is life as a starving artist but emphasis on the starving because its a weird meal. 

The point though of this post was to show off my roses. I wish you could smell it. It is a sweet smelling rose, like a delightful perfume of fruity and sweet goodness but not heavy. It is satisfying. My husband and I are going back and forth about the type- I think it is a Louis Philippe. It certainly is fun to say and brings a little France to my yard.

I also found this blog, A Rose is a Rose, about roses and its quite interesting if you are a lover of roses. Fascinating! Her yard is sublime. She says this about my louis philippe rose( its a type of moss rose):

"Moss" refers to prickly growth on the canes and on the buds, sometimes soft, sometimes hard, and often  containing volatile oils that are released when the buds are touched, leaving a pleasant peppery fragrance on the fingertips.

Hope your day is full of sweetness, like my louis phillipe rose. 

Monday, April 22, 2013

thinking about doing a giveaway...

Hello. I have a few dolls up for sale on my etsy site. Seems funny to be telling you about buying something when I am about to give away something for free. But I adore these dolls. They are sweet, simple and fun to look at. They look great with other dolls, we have a whole village of them, and I love to hear my daughter making up stories about them.

 Aren't our imaginations amazing? And how blessed are we for the Creator to enable us to create. 
He is a clever one!

I haven't decided what yet to give away. I will post something this week so keep checking back. A doll? A necklace? A cat? Not really, but she does drive me crazy from time to time.

May God show you His cleverness in yourself today. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

a little me pick up

I whipped this up last week. Ok, it wasn't that fast and I only have one done, and have atleast 2 more to go. But you get the idea...

It makes me happy and you can see it from the street and when you are coming round the bend of the pond. It is a bright, welcoming sign to come home!

Friday, April 5, 2013

snoring, smelly feet, toe nail picking and annoying coughing. hooray for marriage!

Being married is so hard. Snoring, feet smells, toe nail picking, annoying coughing...

Is that the bride or groom who is doing that?

Does it matter who the culprit is?  

 “But at the beginning of creation God ‘made them male and female.’[a] ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife,[b] and the two will become one flesh.’[c] So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”
Mark 10: 6-9

But whew. That becoming one flesh is hard. As my husband and I are coming on up on our 8 year anniversary, I am reminded of:
a-the work God has done and been doing in our hearts
b-the grace of God
c-i am not in my 20's anymore...sigh

Being married is such a gift. I appreciate the wedding industry and all of that jazz but its so easy to get caught up in the party of it all. 

It's a daily choice to choose snoring, smelly feet, toe nail picking and annoying coughing. The ability to be vulnerable and "be yourself" is so freeing! 

I feel as though this bride and groom know what they are getting into and there is celebration in how far they have come and what they are about to undertake together. Just look at the colors! I like that.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

thank you for my blister: a reminder of Easter

I have been working in my yard lately and enjoying the beautiful weather. The above cross my mom and I flowered in her back yard on Easter. And while Easter Sunday is over, I want to remember what the Lord did for me and the work He is doing in my heart.

But as I worked in the yard one day during Holy Week, the mosquitoes were swarming and the sun was on my back. My hands were slowly feeling the effects of a blister and the black dirt seemed to be showing up more and more on my face and body. 

I was reminded of the hardwood of the cross. I got this amazing devotional during Lent through Christians in the Visual Arts ( ) The piece of art showed the men nailing Jesus to the cross and these were some of the words. 

Can you hear it? Can you hear the hammer hitting the nail that is driving into Christs' flesh? The nail is separating bone and sinew and yes, its graphic. You want to turn away, but look. Look what our Lord did for us. 

artist Unknown, Jesus Nailed to the Cross

And back to my blister. It is so small in comparison. It's like a paper cut or a cold sore or burning your tongue on hot tea. Ugh. Something I am going to have to deal with for a week or so. 

I think about the cost of working in the yard without gloves. Vulnerable. Christ was vulnerable and paid it all for me. I read about the crucifixion but I quickly forget the physical brutality of it all. A blister is here to remind me. 

Thank you for my blister Lord.